The First Cause argument points to divine creation. This argument was started by Aristotle and refined by Saint Thomas Aquinas. This is part of the curriculum in Philosophy 101 class in college. It is basic and straight forward. The link below goes to the New World Encyclopedia and not only does a good job to explain but it also has links to other sources. Below that is a brief summary:


Taking into consideration the premise that no event causes itself, we work back and back to find the original cause until we get to a question like “What caused the Big Bang?”

We might go back further yet: “Well matter gathered in one spot and then it exploded”.

Well what caused that? “Its always been this way, it goes in cycles, the universe expands and contracts all the time”. There it is, we might say that is an event that causes itself or that is the First Cause.

But like a child that keeps saying “why” as you run through countless explanations, lets try it again: “What caused this endless cycle to be set up?”

Science, even with all its recent advancements, fails to explain the First Cause to this day. God is the best explanation of what was the First Cause. The concept of God covers the First Cause – as God has always existed and didn’t invent himself. As mortal humans we can’t fathom how a being is outside the arc of time. There is no plausible First Cause besides God that explains this, because God is the First Cause.

Now we could attribute the creation of the universe to another deity but this website is going to be specific and just say the Lord Jesus Christ is God and is the Creator. It is outside the scope of this website to debate which deity is responsible.

So after all of that we get to the Primary Premise.



Always consider this when doing activities requiring critical thinking and you will be way ahead. Don’t start without this being a premise. Maybe an instructor in college or a non-believer won’t like that, but it is they that will be in error if they don’t at least respect where you are coming from.